Wrapping Up Ashvin With a Lot Of Gratitude And A Breeze Of New Adventures In Digital Twin!

It’s time to express our heartfelt THANKS to you, our dedicated followers and fellow digital twin enthusiasts, for your unwavering support throughout our ASHVIN project! We have been privileged to share with you our groundbreaking innovations, creating and piloting digital twin technologies that are revolutionizing the construction sector!  Final Review with the representatives of the […]

ASHVIN Use Cases for Digital Twin in Building and Maintenance Booklet is available!

The ASHVIN team has been running for 42 months until March 2024 to develop a novel digital twin solution to support the construction and asset management sectors in becoming more productive, safe and efficient. To test this solution, the team conducted ten different pilot sites in Europe, which enabled the created system to attend the […]

📢 🗞The ASHVIN Project’s last press release is out!

After 3.5 years of research and real-world testing across diverse infrastructure assets, we are proud to announce our latest findings and innovations in this press release.   Key Highlights: ▶ Real-World Testing: Our novel digital twin system has successfully undergone rigorous testing in over 20 European construction and maintenance sites, demonstrating its practical applicability and […]

ASHVIN Develops And Validates New Business Models For Its Novel Digital Twin Tools

On March 27, 2024, the ASHVIN project hosted an internal exploitation workshop, gathering the consortium partners for discussions and business model planning around the project’s key exploitation results.  During our business model innovation workshop at the Technische Universität Berlin led by colleagues from the Centre for Entrepreneurship, we developed and validated new business models based […]

ASHVIN powers the SEISMEC project symposium in Rotterdam

On February 27th, our colleagues Joao Gonçalves and Jason Pridmore from Erasmus University of Rotterdam, leading the privacy and human factors analysis and response task in ASHVIN, co-organised a symposium titled “Better Work, Better Workplaces.” Covering diverse topics, from technology transitions and industry challenges to the opportunities of digitalisation and human-centric approaches, the conference showcased […]

ASHVIN Interactive Webinar #3: Advancing Open Data for Future Infrastructure Maintenance

On the 22nd of February, 2024, the ASHVIN team hosted a compelling online session titled “How does access to open data transform infrastructure maintenance? Discussions and insights from research findings.” This interactive webinar delved into the realm of accessing open data for infrastructure maintenance, fostering discussions, insights and valuable feedback from stakeholders through Slido. Mona […]

ASHVIN at Transport Research Board Annual Meeting 2024 in Washington D.C, U.S

ASHVIN’s Innovation continues to be shared on the other side of the Atlantic From the 7th to the 11th of January, 2024, our partner, Infraplan Consulting, joined a major American event, Transport Reasearch Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 2024, hosted in Washington D.C, the United States. The TRB operates as a part of the National Academy […]

ASHVIN Includes New Ideas for Preliminary New Work Item Proposal at CEN 442 WG9 “Digital Twins for The Built Environment”

The Project’s Contribution To Future Standardisation In Digital Twin Technologies for Built Environnement Within CEN On the 19th of January, 2024, two ASHVIN partners, Stefan Wagmeister from Austrian Standards (ASI) and Rolando Chacon from Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) joined an online meeting of a European standardisation working group that manages the standardisation of digital […]

Groundbreakers in Digital Twining: Virtual representations of the multiphysics of an asset by Héctor Posada, PhD Research Student

Meeting with our Groundbreaking Researchers The incorporation of Multiphysics in virtual representations through digital twinning enhances the construction industry’s ability to design, construct, and maintain buildings and infrastructure with greater efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. At the forefront of advancements, in the maintenance phase and these virtual representations, we collaborate closely with the Polytechnic University of […]