D7.2 Synthesis report on demonstration cases of BIM for renovation projects

This report, “Synthesis report on demonstration cases of BIM for renovation projects,” was published in September 2024 under work package 7, which focused on pilots. It is related to three project tasks devoted to piloting the ASHVIN system across 10 different pilot sites (T7.1 Buildings, T7.2 Bridges, and T7.3 Industrial), which were led by our […]
D6.5 Best practices for digital twin-based privacy

This report, entitled Best practices for digital twin-based privacy, was drafted as part of Task 6.5 Privacy & Human Factors Analysis and Response led by Eramus University Rotterdam under Work Package 6 Social Innovation and Standardization. ASHVIN WP6 focused on determining future trajectories of ASHVIN-developed innovations, including standardization triggering standards to be applied by the […]
D6.4 Interoperable digital twin business and decision-making processes

This “Interoperable digital twin business and decision-making processes” report was drafted as part of Task 6.4 Lean life-cycle process mapping led by Plan B under Work Package 6 Social innovation, and standardization. ASHVIN WP6 focused on determining future trajectories of ASHVIN-developed innovations, including standardization triggering standards to be applied by the market in connection with […]
ASHVIN Use Cases for Digital Twin in Building and Maintenance Booklet is available!

The ASHVIN team has been running for 42 months until March 2024 to develop a novel digital twin solution to support the construction and asset management sectors in becoming more productive, safe and efficient. To test this solution, the team conducted ten different pilot sites in Europe, which enabled the created system to attend the […]
ASHVIN Develops And Validates New Business Models For Its Novel Digital Twin Tools

On March 27, 2024, the ASHVIN project hosted an internal exploitation workshop, gathering the consortium partners for discussions and business model planning around the project’s key exploitation results. During our business model innovation workshop at the Technische Universität Berlin led by colleagues from the Centre for Entrepreneurship, we developed and validated new business models based […]
📩 ASHVIN’s 8th and last newsletter celebrates the project’s research journey

Dear ASHVIN’s followers and friends, We are pleased to share the final newsletter of our project, celebrating our commitment to research and innovation in digital twin technologies to boost the construction sector! In this issue, you will find an insight into how the ASHVIN digital twin system runs and how it has been piloted in […]
Over 15 new construction projects onboarded the ASHVIN Digital Twin Platform

During the last project year, the ASHVIN project’s aim was to open the ASHVIN Digital Twin solution to more construction and maintenance projects by collecting their data with a wide range of IoT and image technologies and feeding the collected data to the ASHVIN Digital Twin platform. This goal was set at the beginning of […]
European Digital Building Twins Projects’ Cluster – Read Now Our Joint Flash Newsletter #2

ASHVIN, COGITO and BIM2TWIN are pleased to present you the project clusters’ joint flash newsletter of these four EU-supported research projects that are devoted to developing Digital Building Twin technologies to boost tomorrow’s European construction industry! The projects were funded under the same call for proposal of the European Commission (LC-EEB-08-2020) calling for research projects […]
ASHVIN represented at the ECTP Conference 2024 – Two Decades Shaping Smart and Green Building

On March 5th and 6th, 2024, the ECTP Conference 2024 was hosted in Brussels, Belgium, inviting stakeholders from the construction industry to discuss and exchange information about smart and green buildings in Europe. During her keynote presentation, Christina Claeson-Jonsson, Head of Research and Innovation at NCC AB in Sweden, presented ASHVIN’s innovation of the digital […]
Beyond the Final Page: Reflecting on Recommendations and Feedback by ASHVIN’s Advisory Board Members

ASHVIN is a research and innovation project developing a novel digital twin solution to boost the construction industry’s productivity and safety. It is an EU-funded project that will end in March 2024, and throughout its lifetime, it has been followed by a group of six top-notch experts in the digitalisation of the construction sector. The […]