Wrapping Up Ashvin With a Lot Of Gratitude And A Breeze Of New Adventures In Digital Twin!

It’s time to express our heartfelt THANKS to you, our dedicated followers and fellow digital twin enthusiasts, for your unwavering support throughout our ASHVIN project! We have been privileged to share with you our groundbreaking innovations, creating and piloting digital twin technologies that are revolutionizing the construction sector! Final Review with the representatives of the […]
Groundbreakers in Digital Twining: Integrating and fusing data by Athina Tsanousa, Postdoc Researcher

Meeting with our Groundbreaking Researchers In today’s world, data is a powerful asset that can drive innovation, efficiency, and success across various domains when properly collected, analysed and utilised. In the ASHVIN world, sensor data, data fusion and machine learning enhance the capabilities of digital twins in the construction industry by providing real-time insights, predictive […]
Groundbreakers in Digital Twining: Conceptual engineering designs with Joan Evelyn Ongodia, Research Assistant

Meeting with our Groundbreaking Researchers Achieving a perfect engineering design involves collaboration among architects, engineers, builders, and other stakeholders. This collaboration requires a thorough understanding of the project’s requirements, effective communication, and the application of best practices in the field. Therefore, initial conceptual engineering designs are crucial in construction, as they determine the project’s scope, […]
Groundbreakers in Digital Twining: Computer science abilities by Panagiotis Giannakeris, MsC Research Fellow

Meeting with our Groundbreaking Researchers Imagine a world where machines see and learn, paving the way for revolutionary applications. These two abilities, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, play a crucial role in creating intelligent and dynamic digital twins for the construction industry. Their fusion enhances data processing, enables real-time monitoring, facilitates predictive analytics, ensures quality […]
ASHVIN participates in the 5th edition of the BIMcon Summit in Romania

On 25-26 October, the 5th edition of the BIMcon Summit took place in Bucharest, Romania, under the framework of Building Smart Romania. The event is the most important annual BIM Conference, bringing experts from the world of building technologies and automation up to date with the latest news and processes implemented globally. Lucian Ungureanu, Managing […]
Pioneering Digital Twin Technologies for Construction and Building Projects – Discover ASHVIN’s Innovation

The European construction sector is on the brink of a digital revolution, and at the forefront of this transformation is the ASHVIN project. ASHVIN is a novel initiative that is driving the digitalization of the European construction industry through innovative digital twin technologies. The ASHVIN Digital Building Twin solution can be deployed at three […]
The 6th Project Meeting in Stockholm, June 2023

ASHVIN team plans the innovation strategy for the last project months. On the 15th and 16th of June, 2023, Plan B hosted the 6th ASHVIN consortium meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. Partners gathered to share their work’s latest results and discuss the next steps towards the final project months. The focus of this final project year […]
ASHVIN Goes Local – BuildingSMART’s First Conference in Poland

On May 18th, 2023, the inaugural buildingSMART conference took place in Warsaw, Poland. The conference focused on the topic of OpenBIM, covering both international and local perspectives. On behalf of the ASHVIN team, Agnieszka Lukaszewska, Head of Research and Development and Rafał Łukaszewski, senior engineer at partner company Fasada, highlighted our project as a practical […]
ASHVIN is featured in the Smart Buildings Future Technologies brochure

The ASHVIN team is proud to be one of the selected innovation projects driving the European construction industry’s digitalisation, presented in the Smart Buildings Future technologies brochure. This brochure is edited by the Smart4BuiltEU project, funded by the European Commission, and it gives a landscape of the Key Exploitable Outcomes from EU Projects in the […]
The 5th Consortium Meeting in Greece

On the 19th and 20th of January 2023, the ASHVIN consortium had its 5th project meeting hosted by CERTH (↗️) in Thessaloniki, Greece. All 14 project partners gathered for 2 days to monitor the status of the work and discuss the next steps in developing, demonstrating and disseminating the ASHVIN system. Timo Hartmann from TUB […]