The ASHVIN team is proud to be one of the selected innovation projects driving the European construction industry’s digitalisation, presented in the Smart Buildings Future technologies brochure. This brochure is edited by the Smart4BuiltEU project, funded by the European Commission, and it gives a landscape of the Key Exploitable Outcomes from EU Projects in the smart building sector.
The various projects related to Smart Buildings contribute to innovation and market uptake of smart building technologies but have different focus points. This brochure tends to give an overview of their main takeaways in the form of Key Exploitable Results (KER). This should allow the reader to keep up to date on the most critical ongoing developments in the field of Smart Buildings at this moment without having to read through all different project reports and newsletters
ASHVIN presents its’ tool for Real-time as-built vs as-designed comparison owned by DTT.

Download the Smart Buildings Future Technologies brochure
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