The ASHVIN team shares the knowledge and experience of the project in international, European and local events that are addressed to varied target public interested in the construction sector and emerging technologies. On the 18th of June, 2023, two research assistants, Manuel Jungmann and Joan Evelyn Ongodia, from TUB, presented the ASHVIN research in digital twin technologies to professionals of the construction and civil engineering sector and also to the general public at a local event in Berlin, Germany.
“The long night of Science” (“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften”) is an annual event in Berlin where numerous scientific institutions invite visitors to laboratories, archives, libraries and lecture halls that are otherwise not open to the public. From 5 PM until midnight, visitors can participate in experiments, learn about current research results and enjoy stimulating conversations. ASHVIN’s digital twin platform was showcased to visitors, and the two researchers had conversations about the usability and usefulness of the ASHVIN system with interested participants reaching 40 persons. Several construction sector professionals showed interest in onboarding the ASHVIN digital twin platform with their construction project data. This opportunity is related to ASHVIN Open Call, offering a unique opportunity to 50 European construction projects to feed their data to the ASHVIN platform enabling data visualization and analysis.