ASHVIN is looking for Construction projects to onboard the ASHVIN Digital Twin platform and to benefit from the expertise of the ASHVIN researchers. This Open Call is running now, and up to 50 projects can be selected.
ASHVIN is an innovation and research project funded by the European Commission. It creates a digital twin-based solution for construction site and building management aiming to foster productivity, efficiency and safety in the construction industry. ASHVIN consists of a toolkit of 10 smart building tools and a digital-driven IoT platform deploying data obtained from different sensing devices. This system, resulting from a research project, is at TRL6.
ASHVIN is running an Open Call designed for European Construction Projects to use their data for creating a real digital twin. This call is an opportunity for European construction companies and building site managers to use their data for implementing sensor-based monitoring thanks to the ASHVIN digital toolkit. Discover the ASHVIN tools supporting the construction phase with our tutorial videos.
The ASHVIN Open Call is running now. The onboarded projects will benefit from free access to the ASHVIN digital twin platform and direct support and guidance from the ASHVIN’s technical team.
In light of Open Access, the ASHVIN team wants to broaden the exploitation of the system to new users.
ASHVIN provides a digital twin cloud platform that integrates with IoT and image technologies together with tools and procedures for its application. Now, ASHVIN will deploy and maintain a digital twin platform integrating a wide range of IoT and image technologies.
ASHVIN is already validated at 10 European Construction Sites from 3 construction management phases; design, construction and maintenance. The objective is to continue the population of the platform with an accurate digital twin, IoT, simulation, and image data of additional construction projects.
For whom?
This call is addressed to European stakeholders managing construction sites, and the supported structure types can be diverse, including buildings, bridges, and other structures.
Eligibility criteria: We are looking for construction projects based in Europe, disposing of installed IoT sensors at the construction site. Available LiDAR data is an advantage to benefit from the advanced features of the ASHVIN tools.
The retained projects are asked to sign a data management agreement and a dissemination agreement.
Submit your expression of interest via e-mail to The ASHVIN team will reach directly back to you to analyse further your possible use case.
The projects that have expressed their interest will be contacted immediately to further study the possible implementation that will be carried out until the end of September 2023 (the end date of the ASHVIN project).
We are looking forward to hearing about your project!