D4.6 Visualizing and Dashboarding Construction Activities Based on Digital Twin Data

ASHVIN project’s work package WP4 “Control and real-time simulation of construction”, develops applications for better managing and controlling construction site activities using digital twin data. The final objective of this work package is to develop accurate data and 4D-based visualizations, including a dashboard to allow site managers to understand, control, and manage construction sites under consideration of actual digital-twin-based data. Deliverable 4.6, entitled “Visualizing and dashboarding construction activities based on digital twin data,” was drafted by Rehan Khan from DTT, a technical partner in the project, and this report is related to task 4.6, “Site control dashboard and Visualization”. 


The deliverable report presents the results of task 4.6 Site control dashboard and Visualization. The document aims to present the visualization and real-time control dashboard of the ASHVIN DT platform to manage construction site activities. Primarily, the report introduces different visualization routines implemented on the ASHVIN platform to facilitate construction site control. Furthermore, the application and the development of the site control & KPI dashboards for different demo construction sites of the ASHVIN project are also presented.

Download the entire report in Open Access via Zenodo:
