The ASHVIN project continues disseminating the research results in the international scientific community!
One of the most recent ASHVIN research-related publications was presented at the Eurostruct Conference 2023 in Vienna last month.
This paper is entitled “Inspection and maintenance KPIs to support decision making integrated into Digital Twin tool“, authored by a group of ASHVIN partners (Irina Stipanović, Sandra Škarić Palić, and Emir Ganić from Infraplan Consulting, and Joan Ramon Casas and Rolando Chacón from the Polytechnical University of Catalonia).
This paper is based on the research done at the ASHVIN demonstrators #3, an airport runway in Croatia, and #7, bridges in the highway network in Spain. The focus is on deploying Digital Twin technologies to support the maintenance of infrastructure assets.
Moreover, this paper presents PIs (Performance Indicators) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for the assessment and monitoring of productivity, resource efficiency, cost, health & safety during the operational life cycle stage. The proposed PIs and KPIs have been quantified and measured in two real-world projects. They have also been integrated into digital twins of the assets and decision-making tools for risk-based maintenance planning.
Read and download the paper here: