ASHVIN Digital Twin Platform: Join our Open Technical Webinar on the 28th of February!

Join us on the 28th of February at 11:00CET for a one-hour interactive session presenting the ASHVIN technology for all interested stakeholders! 

The objective of this session is to enable interested stakeholders to understand what the ASHVIN digital twin solution is and how its target users, essentially the construction site managers, could benefit from the system to enhance their working process. 

During its final project year, the ASHVIN project aims to onboard, free of charge, 50 external construction projects that dispose of sensor data from their construction sites. Their data would be processed and analysed with the ASHVIN digital twin platform, which would better use the existing construction data to improve the construction process. 

During the session, the ASHVIN research and technical partners will present how target stakeholders could benefit from ASHVIN (at TRL6)  and how they could be onboarded in the ASHVIN system for FREE.

