This deliverable reports the Interim exploitation activities of the ASHVIN project and the plans of each partner for further exploitation into the future.

ASHVIN’s Impact Assessment and Exploitation Plans report has been developed through a creative process of reflection and fermentation among project partners, each of one representing different stakeholder groups, this plan reflects their positions and views for ensuring maximum impact. Moreover, the exploitation plan is a living document that will be constantly revised and updated throughout the lifespan of the project. The last iteration will include all updates of the exploitation achievements reached between M19 and M36, the final business model for the ASHVIN solution and a detailed roadmap for additional efforts and milestones to be executed after the end of the project, in order to achieve sustainability.

The importance of all exploitation activities has been a high priority for all partners since the beginning of the project, as they are the main means to determine and measure the success of the project as a whole. Moreover, ASHVIN exploitation activities not only focus on exploiting and showcasing ASHVIN platform to the end users, but also aim to engage those users throughout the whole process of ASHVIN tools development in order to know their demands and respond to the market requests.

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