The open-access publishing platform “Open Research Europe platform” has the first version of an open letter to be peer-reviewed “, Ontologies in digital twin: Methodology, lessons learned and practical approach.” The article is a result of a joint workshop which took place during the Sustainable Places 2022 conference in Nice, France and was co-organized by the Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) and ASHVIN with five other EU-funded projects that have developed a construction-phase digital-twin data model, and their ontological representation, which is capable of capturing all data requirements for the digital representation of building and infrastructure construction sites.
Download the Open Letter from here:
On behalf of ASHVIN, technical manager Rahul Tomar and Rehan Khan, with sister projects BIMprove, COGITO and BIM2TWIN representatives, participated in the event and contributed to this Open Letter, which aims to highlight the relevance of ontology in the digital twin environment. All four projects agreed on joining forces to raise awareness around Digital Building Twins and their impact on the construction industry.
Ultimately, our projects aim to share knowledge, experiences and research outcomes with stakeholders and communities around the EU and beyond via online communication like webinars, newsletters, social media channels and scientific or technical articles. All four of us are delivering a wide range of digital tools for the construction sector needed on the European market and to raise awareness about the benefits coming from their use.
To learn more about ASHVIN’s ontology, download our deliverable 1.2 “An ontology for digital twin models for the construction industry”: