Deliverable D6.1 elaborates and implements a Standardization Plan, based on the relevant standards (existing or under development), and provides the other Workpackages input for further exploitation. This will ensure that project results are aligned with current regulations and on-going standardisation activities.
The Standardization Plan outlines the standardization roadmap for application of the Digital Twin concept in building and construction sector, based on the investigation of the standardization landscape, the standardization gaps identified using an online survey, and on the standardization needs of ASHVIN consortium partners.
Its final goal is to pave the way for a possible future European standard addressing Digital Twin technology in building, bridge, and industrial construction. This will contribute to the development of unified practices in the construction industry.
For more information about our standardization plan, please download our official deliverable D6.1 Standardization Plan and connect with us through our LinkedIn or our Twitter communities!