ASHVIN Includes New Ideas for Preliminary New Work Item Proposal at CEN 442 WG9 “Digital Twins for The Built Environment”

The Project’s Contribution To Future Standardisation In Digital Twin Technologies for Built Environnement Within CEN On the 19th of January, 2024, two ASHVIN partners, Stefan Wagmeister from Austrian Standards (ASI) and Rolando Chacon from Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) joined an online meeting of a European standardisation working group that manages the standardisation of digital […]
ASHVIN’s latest contribution to the European standardisation of Digital Twin technologies

On the 12th of September, 2023, the ASHVIN partners joined a meeting of a European standardisation working group preparing a technical report on Digital Twin applied in the Built environment. This report is a first step towards developing a new European standard, and it gathers use cases for deploying digital building twin technologies from different […]
The 6th Project Meeting in Stockholm, June 2023

ASHVIN team plans the innovation strategy for the last project months. On the 15th and 16th of June, 2023, Plan B hosted the 6th ASHVIN consortium meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. Partners gathered to share their work’s latest results and discuss the next steps towards the final project months. The focus of this final project year […]
ASHVIN Advisory Board Underlines the Importance of Standards in Data Management

The ASHVIN project develops a digital twin solution for the construction industry to boost productivity and safety. To foster the digitalisation of the construction industry, ASHVIN also develops a global standard related to the deployment of digital twin technologies. The standardisation work aims to increase the systems’ interoperability and align the work processes among stakeholders. […]
ASHVIN Observes the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Every 11 February the United Nations commemorates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (↗️) to call for science and gender equality. However, despite the global community’s efforts, women and girls remain excluded from participating fully in science. As a European project funded under the Horizon Europe programme, ASHVIN and all similar projects […]
ASHVIN Collaborates with IMSAFE Project on Standardisation

One of the central aims of the ASHVIN (↗️) project, which develops a digital twin solution boosting productivity and safety of construction sites, is to propose an international standard supporting the market uptake of digital twin technologies. Austrian Standards (↗️), a national standards body, is leading the standardisation task in ASHVIN. ASHVIN has defined its […]
ASHVIN is Working on Proposing a European Wide Digital Twin Standard

The ASHVIN Project is developing a digital twin solution impacting the entire value chain of the construction industry, from digital service providers to construction labor. The created solution will combine an open source IoT platform allowing the use of different sensing methods and a set of integrated applications, which will support construction professionals in improving […]